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Building Stone | Counter Tops | Landscape Stone
Need Landscape Stone?
Stone Yard - Open to the Public
Office/Stone Yard: 901.683.8264
We Offer Local Delivery
Taking a family approach to selling stone
BardenStone of Memphis, TN, is a longstanding family business that prides itself on taking time to know their customers and assist them in making the appropriate choices for their stone applications.
BardenStone buys neighboring properties to expand its storage yard, product line.
The family-owned business is on its third generation and dates to 1951 with the
purchase of White Stone Co. by Erlewood Barden.
MEMPHIS, Tenn. – In an industry with plenty of newcomers over the past few
years, BardenStone seems like one of the old veterans. Bob Barden’s father
bought the business in 1951; it’s been fixture in this Southern city even before
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